FinOps Report: FINRA’s CAT: Customer Account Data Management Challenge

Reporting correct customer data for the next phase of the requirements of the US Financial Industry Regulatory Authority’s Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) system will end up being a time-consuming and costly exercise in data management for US broker-dealer regulatory reporting, trade compliance and IT managers.

RegTech Insight: FINRA Starts the Clock on OATS Retirement

Peter Gargone of compliance software specialist n-Tier discusses the complexities of the transition, and the importance of implementing proper policies, procedures, governance structures and control processes for your CAT reporting regulatory obligations.

Cowen partners with n-Tier

With n-Tier’s compliance workbench platform, Cowen has implemented an efficient process for aggregating and validating CAT reports from all their external vendors and internal trading systems.

Revolutionary Data Warehouse in a Box Product Release!

n-Tier, an industry-leading software provider, today announced the release of its Data Warehouse in a Box (DWB) offering providing clients with the ability to rapidly create any type of data warehouse with no development expense.